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How to Flash and Log

Query ECU

Open up the EcuTek ProEcu Program on your laptop. Then you will make sure your key is on Run and engine off. You will go to Tools, Detect Vehicle. 1st little pop up just hit Ok on the pre-selected option to Program. A bigger screen will then open. Towards the middle on the left hand side of the screen click Query ECU. Wait a few seconds for it to read the information and send me a picture of that screen. This is to get your Calibration ID.


Download the file I sent you and then open it up (Downloads Folder) in the EcuTek ProEcu Program on your laptop. 

Then you will make sure your key is on Run and engine off. You will go to Tools, Detect Vehicle. 

1st little pop up just hit Ok on the pre-selected option to Program. A bigger screen will then open. Make sure the new tune file I sent you is in the box in the top left corner of the window. 

With key on Run and engine off. Click Program ECU. **Make sure not to bump or move the laptop or cable during this process.** 

1st prompt will have you turn the key off and wait a few seconds. It will then prompt you to turn key back on. !Do Not Start Engine!!

1st pop-up will ask to clear DTC’s. Hit Yes 

Last pop-up will say Programming Complete, hit Ok. 

You can then close that bigger programming window.


To datalog you will need to open the EcuTek ProEcu software and then open the tune file I sent you in the main program. It will open up a bigger screen with preselected and colored parameters. Then make sure the engine is running and the cable plugged in and hit Map Access. All the data will start showing live numbers.


Then to start a log you will click "Log To File". The bar will turn 100% green. To stop logging just click "Log To File" again. 

To send me the datalog go to my email and hit Reply. 

Then add attachment, under "Documents" folder – EcuTek folder – MapAccessLogs folder

Map Switching

Map1: 91/93 Power&Daily

Map2: 91/93 Pops&Bangs 

Map3: e85 Power&Daily

Map4: e85 Pops&Bangs 

To switch between maps pull and hold the cruise lever towards you in the Cancel position. After 2 seconds the tachometer will go to 1,2,3, or 4 depending on which map you are in. Release lever and then bump it up or down to change maps. To select map just pull it towards you to the Cancel position just once and it will be on that map. It remembers your map even if you don’t drive the car for days. 

To use launch control make sure clutch is pushed in and then floor the throttle fast from 0-100. It will go to 4000rpm and blip. To launch just pop the clutch quickly (make sure traction is off). 

For 2 step you will do the same as Launch control but you will do it on map 2 or 4. The Pops&Bangs maps. Then while it’s blipping use the cruise lever to go up and down to get good flames.



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